nisar shaheen
Srinagar 21 June: Asking NC and PDP to show even a single achievement on political or human rights front since 1996, AIP Supremo Er. Rasheed has said that both the parties have given New Delhi a free hand from time to time to bulldoze the sentiments, rights and aspirations of people of Jammu & Kashmir and it is obvious that they have a silent understanding while compromising everything. Addressing an overcrowded press conference in Srinagar today Er. Rasheed reiterated that no doubt end of collation is victory of people’s resistance but the way BJP took everyone especially PDP by surprise is not less than a slap on the face of regional parties who have been making tall but false claims of fighting for protecting the special status and other interests of state. Er. Rasheed said “Both NC and PDP seem to have failed to understand the physiological aspect of BJP’s withdrawing support to Mehbooba government. It is proven yet again that for New Delhi whosoever rules Jammu & Kashmir, his worth is nothing but even lesser than the significance of a tissue paper. The statements coming from various quarters of threatening Kashmiris and using muscular power besides BJP’s top leaders starting talking about abolishing article 370 should wakeup us all including those outside election politics. Had the same incident taken place in some other part of India it would have joined all other forces to fight the moral dishonesty of BJP. May one ask Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad that why he out rightly rejected forming a government with other forces, while the same congress took strange and innovative measures to form government in Karnataka. By showing disinterest in forming a civilian government in J&K congress has proved yet again that J&K and democracy are two different things”. Er. Rasheed questioned Omer Abdullah’s sincerity and intentions and added that question is not who rules the state but the way Mehbooba Mufti was shown back door has exposed the credibility of main stream parties in Kashmir. He said “What Mehbooba Mufti was dreaming in 2014, now he is expecting to get same for himself and both have been getting power by default and not by virtue of their struggle. The only thing NC and PDP have achieved during these years is that they have created confusions by their Autonomy and Self-Rule formulas and have justified and facilitated the atrocities on Kashmiris. Unless Omer and Mehbooba don’t understand and fulfill their fundamental duties towards people of state it makes no difference who of them rules the state. Kashmiris have a right to ask both, that why they have not been able to make New Delhi soften its stand on issues like withdrawal of AFSPA, abolishing PSA, return of Power Projects, Punishing Human Rights violators or even on a resolution within Indian constitution”. He reiterated that either main stream parties must deliver or they would be treated as root cause of all evils. Er. Rasheed added “Everyone knows that NC and PDP have no ideological differences but it is their lust for power, ego and dictate of New Delhi that they oppose each other. Despite not having no sympathy with Mehbooba Mufti, Kashmiris have been feeling a sense of defeat the way BJP has dictated everything from 2014 till date and ultimately overthrowing Mehbooba. It is high time for NC and PDP to give up their illogical egos and form a government and burry the past to start an era where from they should dictate terms to New Delhi rather becoming its mouth pieces. Their joining hands with the purpose to restore dignity and honor of people of Jammu & Kashmir will boost the morale of all thoughts of Kashmiris. To restore trust between themselves and win confidence of masses. NC and PDP can nominate some prominent credible personality who should not be member of any house as chief minister. It will give Kashmiris a genuine feeler that NC and PDP are not doing it to get power but are sincere to resolve Kashmir dispute and make New Delhi understand that it cannot humiliate Kashmiri leaders from late Sheikh Sahab to Mehbooba Mufti, at timing of its own choice. Er. Rasheed said that he has sought appointment with both Mehbooba Mufti and Omer Abdullah to put forward the idea of their joining hands. He said if New Delhi creates hurdles in NC and PDP joining hands, then all main stream parties should say no to elections till New Delhi does not agree to peaceful and honorable resolution of Kashmir dispute.
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