Nissar Shaheen :
STATE PRESS FORUM (SPF) held an emergency meeting today in regard with the statement against Kashmir based Media by Controversial BJP MLA Lal Singh. SPF consider it as an open assault on Fourth Estate and condemned it in unequivocal terms.
Recalling how the media in Valley has “walked the razor’s edge for the past 30 years, facing pressures from all sides of the conflict”, since the 1990s Kashmir has been in the throes of an armed insurgency, intense militarisation and arbitrary use of draconian laws,
“Journalists have had to survive by treading a truth and moderate path, carrying out balanced reporting in a conflict situation in which they and their families live”.
Along the way, “media has suffered in the form of killings, direct attacks, intimidation, threats and pressures from various quarters. Around 30 journalists have been killed due to the conflict – either directly targeted or caught in the cross-fire.”
SPF president recalled that Shujat Bukhari’s cold blooded murder is still active in our veins and on the other side Lal Singh’s open threat is a big challenge to the Freedom of Press and is violation of the freedom of expression guaranteed under the Constitution of India. His statement is not only direct threat to Journalists but also to the people who are directly or indirectly associated with media.
SPF urges authorities especially Honourable Governor to take stern action against Lal Singh. SPF members unanimously decided that if the action will not be taken, SPF alongwith other Press Media Associations will knock the doors of court for earliest justice.
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