J&K Grameen Bank Regional office Kupwara conducted four Awareness camps under Gram Swaraj Abiyan in Remotest villages of Tehsi Tanghdar near LOC in villages Prada,Tad, Dildar and Hanjinar where in people in large number participated and hailed such initiative of the Bank. Regional Manager Kupwara Mr A.K.Malik educated the people regarding importance of opening of PMJDY accounts and benefits of social security schemes like PMSBY,PMJJBY and APY schemes.
Hundreds of people opened PMJDY accounts on spot and enrolments of social security products too were made in the camps. Besides people in general were educated regarding digital banks like imps,benifts of Adhar linkages,Sms facilities and other digital facilities.
People were educated regarding different loaning schemes of the bank besides pmegp,Ded and vcf and were motivated to give boost to diary development,sheep rearing and poultry units in the Remotest areas.Branch Heads of all the three branches of the area viz Baighbeilla, Kandi karnah and Tad who along with their Bcs participatd in the the camps spoke in the camps and impressed upon all to take benefits of the schemes.
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