Categories: Jammu & Kashmir


Nissar Shaheen :

1. As part of endeavour to expose the children of kandi-magam area a tour was organised by the Army for 32 local students and two teachers to various part of the country. This tour was for 10 days and was flagged off in a vibrant ceremony on 20 Nov 18 from Chak-Kigam.

2. The aim of this tour was to expose the children to various facets of culture, education and developmental aspects in other parts of the country. This provided them with an opportunity to see the multitude facet of culture diversity, infrastructure development and prevailing socio-economic conditions in other part of the country. During the tour apart from visiting various places of interests the children also interacted with various senior Army officials and Honourable Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Shri Satya Pal Malik. As the highlight of the tour the students visited various historical places like Hari Singh Place, Bagh-E-Bahu and Shri Gobid Garh Fort. Various recreational facilities were also visited by the children as part of tour, which includes Rock Garden, Rose Garden and Sukhana Lake. The children also witnessed prestigious beating of retreat ceremony at Wagha Border. To expose the children to the development aspects of the society they were taken to the Science city Jalandhar and also visited various prominent shipping areas in all the cities they visited. The children also visited Murad Shah Dargah, Golden temple and Raghunath temple.
3. The tour enabled the children to develop ideas about a well educated and developed society. The tour also helped in developing bonhomie amongst the children of kandi-magam area. On the occasion of the flagging in of the tour the children were asked to remember their experiences during the tour and utilise it as motivation for shaping their future. The children and their parents were highly appreciative to the efforts of the tour, as it provided them with a life time opportunity to visit other of the country.

aftab farooqui

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