Categories: Jammu & Kashmir

Army officer killed, another injured in sniper attack along LoC in Jumgund

Nissar Shaheen

Srinagar, Dec 21 (GNS): An army officer was killed and another was injured critically in a ‘sniper attack’ by Pakistan army along the Line of Control in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Friday late afternoon.

Official sources told GNS that Pakistan army in “violation of ceasefire” opened the sniper fire upon the army’s 2/8 GR posts in Jumgund area along the LoC.

Two army officers suffered serious injuries in the attack and the injured were immediately evacuated to military hospital Drugmulla where Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) Subidar Gamar Thapa (42) succumbed to injuries, they said.

The injured has been identified as Junior Commissioned officer (JCO) Subidar Raman Thapa and was later referred to army’s 92 base hospital Badamibagh Srinagar for advanced treatment.

Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Kupwara Ambarkar Shriram Dinkar also confirmed the death of the JCO and injuries to another.

He said that details with regard to the incident is being ascertained. (GNS)

aftab farooqui

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