Categories: Jammu & Kashmir

Everonn Abacus Education Handwara organised Painting competition of students.

Nissar Shaheen;

Art Competition are an excellent opportunity to grow as an artist and develop art carrier among students.
The competition conducted by Everonn team at Handwara in which students from different school participated aiming to create awareness among students towards helping birds during harsh spell of winter in Kashmir by providing adequate arrangements of food, shelter and water to save Migratory birds and over all avian diversity.Our all participants have done a great achievement by participating in the painting competition titled winter⛄⛄ in Kashmir and Birds?. We appreciate all participants, Their parents and especially the winner’s.

Mohammed Fazil ist position
Heena Fayaz sofi 2nd position
Tabish Gulzar 3rd position
Farheena Ramzan 4th Position.
I am also thankful to my whole team of Everonn Abacus education ECO CULB for their efforts.

aftab farooqui

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