Categories: Jammu & Kashmir

Er. Hilal Ahmad Shah reviews Traffic mess in Anantnag Town, urges Transporters, Traders to ensure hassle-free traffic movement.

Nissar Shaheen:

Srinagar March 24.  Holding threadbare discussion with Transporters and Traders of Anantnag, the Chairman Anantnag Municipal Council Er. Hilal Ahmad Shah has urged upon all the stake holders to take effective measures to ensure hassle free movement of the traffic in Anantnag Town.

Er. Hilal Ahmad Shah while reviewing the traffic mess in Anantnag town held threadbare discussions with  all President of Sumo stands, auto stands, Mini Bus Stands, Bus Stands, Magic Stands of Anantnag  for  ensuring that people do no suffer on account of  chaotic traffic movement in the Town which has become a matter of grave concern for the common people of Anantag and emphasized that transporters should avoid wrong parking on main and interior roads, as that, will only ensure hassle-free movement of traffic.

He also ensured that the vehicle without any stands are rehabilitated at two different locations that will certainly go a long way in addressing the traffic problem in the town.

Er. Hilal Ahmd Shah while holding further discussion with the traders sought their cooperation to address the people’s concerns with regard to traffic mess. The traders assured Shah that they will do everything to smooth of people and traffic in the town.

The meeting also thanked Mr VR Subramaniam Ji Chief Secretary, Mr Baseer Ahmad Khan Sb Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Mr Alok Kumar Ji IG Traffic, Mr Farooq Sb Director Urban Local Bodies Kashmir and Mr Altaf Ahmad Khan Sb SSP Anantnag for lending their full cooperation and support inorder to address the concerns of the people of Anantnag town.

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