On the eve of INDIAN REPUBLIC day on 26th of january- 2016, International Human Rights and Peace Unison along with American Diplomatic Mission International Relation and World Humanity Commission is organizing a charity program
for the poor and needy in Dodbasthi, Bangalore, Karnataka, india.
Flag hoisting program in Goverment high school and in Diplomatic chamber in Bangalore followed by medical health camp to the poors and food distribution program for the starved.
The program will be hoisted by H.E.DR ALWIN ROLAND, ( United Nation representative of ADMIR, Switzerland, Geneva and head of the mission for International Parliament), H.E.DR ABADHESH SHARMA, (Ambassador for Srilanka, World Humanity Commission), Kuleshwar Singh Sonkar, (central water resource ministry and national chairman for IHRPU), MOHD TARIQ ZAKI, (chairman for All India Reporter’s Association-AIRA) and Mandip Rai, (noted living legend sandal wood actor) followed by police personels, ward corporators and well wishers of INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND PEACE UNISON..
Courtesy from IHRPU governing council team, Florida..
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