Free Multi- Specialty Medical Camp Held at Shangus Anantnag : DAK.

Nissar Shaheen :

Doctor’s Association Kashmir ( DAK) organized a Free Multi- Specialty medical camp at Shangus Anantnag Kashmir. Large number of people from adjacent areas visited the medical camp with different ailments. In the Multi- Specialty camp various types of screening tests like CBC ,Blood Sugar, kidney function test,liver function test, ECG USG etc were done.The Specialists also offered counseling & health education to the people about different common ailments. Around 15 Specialist from District Hospital Anantnag, under the banner of DAK volunteered for the said medical camp including a Gynecologist, Radiologist, Surgeon & Physician specialist.

Apart from doctors, no of volunteers and paramedics were also part of the camp.

Before the medical camp was set up, the volunteers put up banners and distributed leaflets in the surrounding areas, to create awareness about the camp which resulted in huge flock of people attending the camp and sharing their problems.

DAK president Dr suhail naik said on the occasion “Society is an important part of our lives and therefore growth and upliftment of society is very important for raising the health indices of society”. Dr Suhail further said ” With our consistent efforts and deeds we always wanted to improve the condition of people. This medical camp will help people to get health benefits at large.”

Dr Owais Dar who was the chief organiser of the camp said” DAK will continue such efforts through out Valley as part of its Social outreach programme.

These medical camps will help in spreading health awareness to the far flung areas of Kashmir.”

And at the end Dr Owais thanked all the doctors, paramedics and volunteers for making the event successful. Dr Naik announced that DAK is going to conduct another free medical camp at Rampor Rajpor , a hilly area of district Bandipora on 16 November as a part of its social outreach programme.(CNS )

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