Nissar Shaheen :
Jammu, Feb 06: The Jammu and Kashmir government Tuesday informed the Legislative Assembly that during last three years, 280 youth have joined militancy in the state. According to KNS correspondent, in a written reply to National Conference legislature Ali Mohammad Sagar, the government has said that in 2015, 66 youth and 88 in 2016 have joined militancy, while as 126 youth have joined militancy in the year 2017.
In a question that whether releasing of the political prisoners of all political shades was in Agenda of Alliance in the PDP- BJP Coalition, the government has said that there is no mention about the release of any prisoner. ” There is no mention about the release of any prisoner. Further the prisoners are categorized as convicts, under trials and detenues, whose custody is regulated in accordance with the extent legal provisions. No person affiliated with any political party is under preventive detention as on date,” the government has said.
The government has further said that 2694 prisoners as on 31.1.2018 are lodged in Jammu and Kashmir Jails. Hover the government has said that it would not be feasible to disclose the particulars of prisoners, keeping in view their security and security of their families.
Surprisingly the government has mentioned that details of prisoners( state subject) lodged in various jails outside the state and may be facing charges/ trial/ conviction, pursuant to FIRs filed against them outside the territorial limits of J&K state are not maintained in the Home Department.
The government has further said that certain separatist leaders including two women were detained in terms of the provision of the Public Safety Act, 1978 to prevent them from acting in any manner prejudicial to the security of the state or maintenance of the Public order.
The government has further mentioned that the coalition government will facilitate and help initiate a sustained and meaningful dialogue with all internal stakeholders, which will include all political groups irrespective of their ideological views and predilections. ” The dialogue will seek to build a broad based consensus on resolution of all outstanding issues of Jammu and Kashmir,”.
“The coalition government will seek to support and strengthen the approach and initiatives taken by the government to create a reconciliatory environment and build stakes for all in the peace and development within the sub-continent,”
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