Nissar Shaheen :
Jammu Feb.12: A pregnant woman who was injured in militant attack at the Sunjwan Military Station in Jammu, delivered a baby girl in the hospital today. “Identified as Shazada Khan, 24, wife of Rifleman Nazir Ahmed, she was pregnant from 34 weeks and received critical injuries in her lower back,” sources said and added, “She was evacuated by road to the military hospital, Satwari where an immediate caesarean section was performed to help her deliver baby”.
“The baby girl weighing 2.5 kg was delivered. Both the mother and the child are safe,” sources added. “Army doctors worked all night to save the life of the severely injured pregnant woman with gunshots wounds and helped her deliver a baby girl, following a caesarean section operation,” defence spokesman Lt Col DevendraAnand. Earlier, Chief Minister during her visit to MH Satwari met the new mother and congratulated her.
The social media got flooded with wishes for both mother and baby. “Amidst the tragedy reports of some good news – an injured wife of one of the soldiers delivered a baby at the Military Hospital in Jammu,” former chief minister Omar Abdullah wrote on social site twitter.
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